Dear Sarah,
i hope that you had tha best birthday ever and know that i am so thankful for you and for all that u do and all that you are to me. I hope you know that you are tha best friend that i have ever had. Thanks for being one of my greatest blessings. Can't wait to see what tha next thirty-two years have in store for you! :) <3
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Posted by Ashley at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
So, for thirty-two years this world has been made better by having this special person in it.
My best friend Sarah Walker. She is everything i could ever ask for and more. She knows the true meaning of the word friend and exhibits that everyday. She has made life so much better for me and has inspired me to better myself. I will never be able to understand what it was that God Almighty saw fit in me to bless me with her as my best friend. Whatever it was, i'm so glad He saw it and poured this wonderful blessing into my life. Happy Birthday Sarah...My best friend...My rock...I can only pray that i am with you for the next thirty-two years to watch you raise your wonderful family and to hear your beautiful voice and to see your beautiful smile...I love you Sarah. Happy Birthday to my best friend...<3
Posted by Ashley at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
The end for ol' blue?!
So, this weekend on my way home from Charleston is when it happened.....
My old blue Ford Taurus P.O.C. (piece of crap) gave out on the interstate. I couldn't get above 40 miles an hour...then i couldn't get above 20...i pulled off onto the shoulder and the ol' girl wouldn't even idle. :( I sat there for a while with no air conditioning. Finally I was able to get ahold of my father who informed me that i needed to try and start it and get off the interstate A.S.A.P. After finishing that conversation, I called my sister who sent my brother-in-law to get me. I was able to get my car to a park-n-ride. There she sits...this might actually be the end for my faithful lil' jalopy. We have had some great times....I will miss my car....then again who knows?! It just might be fixable! :)
Posted by Ashley at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Yay for Sunshine! :)
Summer Sun by Robert Louis Stevenson
Great is the sun, and wide he goes
Through empty heaven with repose;
And in the blue and glowing days
More thick than rain he showers his rays.
Though closer still the blinds we pull
To keep the shady parlour cool,
Yet he will find a chink or two
To slip his golden fingers through.
The dusty attic spider-clad
He, through the keyhole, maketh glad;
And through the broken edge of tiles
Into the laddered hay-loft smiles.
Meantime his golden face around
He bares to all the garden ground,
And sheds a warm and glittering look
Among the ivy's inmost nook.
Above the hills, along the blue,
Round the bright air with footing true,
To please the child, to paint the rose,
The gardener of the World, he goes.
Posted by Ashley at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Teaching and Trying...
Yes, I'm a P.E. and Health major who teaches 3rd grade every day. Not my area of expertise by any means but I love it just the same. Teaching could be one of the most rewarding jobs that I have ever experienced. I love to watch these young amazing minds work and grow. There is nothing more satisfying than to go home at the end of the day knowing that for those 7 hours, I made a difference in my student's lives.
Posted by Ashley at 7:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Spring Break :) last week was spring break and on Thursday Sarah and her kids came over to spend the day with me on my farm. It was their first visit to my home and I was so nervous. I cleaned like a mad woman and cooked us brunch. Then we hit the farm...yep all 5 of us on one four-wheeler!

I took them to the highest point on our farm. It's a pretty amazing view. I can't wait to bring them back in the summer and let them see it in full foliage. I am so glad that we were able to share such a beautiful day together.

Thank you Sarah for coming to visit with your wonderful children. You made it a great day for me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did. I can't wait to do it again! It was truly a wonderful blessing to share my home and my farm with my best friend and her kids!

Posted by Ashley at 7:09 AM 0 comments
First Day
First time trying this out. I was inspired by my wonderfully amazing best friend. She has inspired me to be better than I am. This will be an interesting experience for me, for the simple fact I am not used to sharing my thoughts with very many other people. Wish me luck! :)
Posted by Ashley at 4:11 AM 0 comments